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Dedicated to the Protection of Your Rights

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Paternity Lawyer Williamson County TN
We have access to new tried-and-proven alternative dispute resolution methods that relate to paternity law in the Williamson County area. The Law Office of R. Timothy Hogan understands these methods well and can work alongside those processes to protect your rights and facilitate an agreement. Even in our legal representation, The Law Office of R. Timothy Hogan’s primary goal for Williamson County area clients is a settlement.
Over the 20 Years we have been in practice The Law Office of R. Timothy Hogan is well-known for the ability to look at the circumstances of a client’s case and quickly determine what action should or should not be taken in a tough paternity legal proceeding.
AT The Law Office of R. Timothy Hogan, mediation, arbitration and other forms of counseling can help you dispose of your case in the Williamson County area quickly and cost-effectively. With our knowledge of paternity cases we are trained to assist in those processes. While our case work is important, The Law Office of R. Timothy Hogan keeps its office management in top shape.